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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 847615
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NR88NE 30.00 86883 86730
NR88NE 30.01 NR 868 867 garden
NR88NE 30.02 NR 87033 86649 Home Farm
NR88NE 30.03 NR 87025 86687 Horse Excercise
For standing stone at NR 8674 8652, see NR88NE 14.
For cross from Kilmory Castle, now at St Margaret's Church, Lochgilphead (NR 8627 8822), see NR88NE 18.
For Kilmory Castle, gate (NR 86487 87675), see NR88NE 23.
NR 8688 8673 A watching brief was kept during excavations in advance of the construction of an extension to the N side of this large 19th century house, and for the foundations of a lift within an adjacent room. Nothing of archaeological significance was uncovered in either trench, and no artefacts pre-dating the late 19th century were retrieved.
Sponsor: Stewart & Shields Ltd
J Lewis 2004