Archaeology Notes
Event ID 845208
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
ND24NE 34 27612 45755
What may be the remains of a shieling-hut are situated on the left (W) bank of the Achairn Burn, some 170m S of the remains of Oult-ruag farmstead (ND34NE 21). They comprise a grass-grown mound measuring about 7m in diameter and 0.5m in height, from which at least three vertical slabs up to 0.5m high protrude through the turf. Two of these slabs are situated on the E side of the mound, where they have been set at right-angles to one another, one probably marking the line of the inner face of the wall of the hut and the other forming the N side of an entrance. What is probably a corresponding slab on the S side of the entrance lies prone. A third slab on the NW side of the mound may be an outer facing-stone.
(YARROWS04 795)
Visited by RCAHMS (JRS, ATW) 8 September 2004