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Archaeological Evaluation
Date 28 February 2003
Event ID 844935
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
NS47SE 238 NS 4994 7242
An evaluation was undertaken in February 2003 of two previously excavated foundation trenches on the N side of Golden Hill Nursery, 13 Gavins Road, Hardgate. The site lies on the line of the Antonine Wall/vallum/road and the nursery building was located on an artificial terrace. The area is dominated by 20th-century service trenches and construction-related deposits. A cobble-filled field drain running N-S and a buried ground surface directly on the natural boulder clay horizon were the only two features of interest. No Roman artefacts or archaeological remains were found.
Report lodged with WoSAS SMR.
Sponsors: Mr & Mrs G Johnston.
F Baker 2004