Architecture Notes
Event ID 833047
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
D 101/12/2 Note of settlement of Price of the Woodhall Estate prepared by Alexander Whitelaw Esq from the Woodhall Estate Company #145,000 - January 1874.
Bundle 12/3 Repairs Mansion House 3rd July 1899. Wright work of Roof at Woodhall House on the Estate of Woodhall.
10 August 1899 Measurements of the Slater and Plumber work at Woodhall House for Alexander Whitelaw by Adam Pringle.
D 101/12/2 Envelope of photographs addressed to Alexander Thomson, Architect, Airdrie
D 101/D2 Portico
Kitchen Wing
Mansion House
Report on condition of house 1924 as the result of universal workings.
A map of Woodhall Seat of Daniel Campbell of Shawfield Esq. Surveyed in the year 1735 by ( ) McDougall.
D 101/D9 Woodhall Estate. Menerial Damages. Draft memorandum by James Thomson & Sons Airdrie. During September 1904 Alexander H. Thomson took sizes and sketch detail drawings of the following buildings at Woodhall: East Stable wing, West Stable wing, Business premises.