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Archaeological Evaluation

Date December 1999 - February 2000

Event ID 825019

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NO51NW 318 5118 1661

NO 511 165 An archaeological investigation was carried out in advance of a proposal to redevelop the 19th-century properties. The investigation comprised test pitting and documentary research. A total of six hand-excavated test pits were opened up, examined and recorded in December 1999. In addition, two engineer's test pits were cleaned and recorded. This excavation revealed earlier foundations, walls, floors, build-up of cultivated soils and evidence of a hearth. Possibly undisturbed (in situ) layers containing finds dating to the medieval period were revealed. Earlier foundations had been constructed directly on and possibly dug into the underlying natural sand.

Following on from this preliminary investigation a watching brief was carried out on the site in January and February 2000. This produced further evidence of medieval garden soils and associated backlands activity. Also encountered were the remains of a cellar and oven of probable 19th-century date. A standing building survey of the properties was carried out and walls were recorded as they were exposed during demolition. (SUAT SA41).

Sponsor: Brown Homes.

M Roy 2000

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