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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 824802
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NR56NW 41.01 52555 68294
Formally entered as NR56NW 21.01
NR 5256 6830 Field recording and detailed laboratory analysis of a thatched roof were undertaken as part of an ongoing archaeological analysis of Scottish thatched roofs. The roof of this building, once used as a dwelling but more recently as a byre, is in an exposed and collapsed condition but still supported off the floor by surviving roof timbers. An underlying layer of turf appears to have formed the original roof surface but subsequent biannual rethatching has been undertaken using various species of rush. Some parts of the roof appear to have been repaired or thatched with oat straw. Heather ropes were used to support the roof.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
T G Holden 1996.