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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 819116

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NO75NW 44.02 71221 57300

Formerly entered as NO75NW 205 at cited location NO 71220 57298.

For West Quay (NO 7123 5733), see NO75NW 44.03.

NO 72 58 A programme of watching briefs were undertaken as part of the upgrading of the Montrose and Ferryden waste water network. Four areas were monitored - Montrose Airfield (NO75NW 31), the Infirmary to Ferry Street, Rossie Island and Ferryden. The pipeline from the Infirmary to Ferry Street exposed an old stone pier, probably part of the late 17th or early 18th-century West Quay. A timber structure was also uncovered and is thought to be associated with the old East Quay before it was improved in the late 18th century.

Sponsor: North of Scotland Water Authority.

J MIllar 2001a.

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