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Architecture Notes

Event ID 816449

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Architecture Notes


NS53NW 8.00 50653 37776

Architect: Archibald Elliot (Burnt 1943)

Earl of Mar before 1715 layout of policies

Alexander McGill 1714 - Alterations to original house


Scottish Record Office

I could not get any of these white tiles for My Lady's bedroom so must be doing with I hope blue and white for sometime.

The cascade walk is by this time done ......

The stairs in the two banks will now be abundantly easy.

Your lordship has herewith enclosed the plans and elevations of the Gardener's house [to be sited] right or left of the West Avenue.

Will send a full report when ........ April 27th 1714

I send your lordship the draft of the Gardener's house, and house of entertainment. The last I have staked out on the ground your lordship designed for it.

.....Meantime I have ordered the Diagonals from the two windows, next but one to the middle which saves the Great Planting entirely ......

'Mr McGill was talking of taking down of the corner of the Gallery and make it a little lower'.

Robt Campbell Factor to E of Loudoun, May 25th 1714.

Alex McGill to E of Loudoun. May 3rd 1714

He has given particular directions to Peter Muir anent the Alteration of The Gallery. The presses are now to be 13" deep, the shutters included which brings down the cornice to 12' from the floor to the underbed and the room will be 20' wide. The leveling of the windows are to all be made equal let the presses betwixt fall as they will for equal they cannot be had.

I have ordered the fixing the glazed bricks but am full doubtful of thier fluking the marble of the chimneys all fast enough at present. I have ordered to take down the lining and to point and harl the wall of the Dining Room chimney where the smoke comes out. I have give to Bernerinan particular directions for helping the door to the west round closet so as to serve in the meantime, and have agreed with him for paving The Kitchen and enlarging the windows. The wester vault will make a very good milkhouse.

To bargain with Bannerman for taking down the gavel of the stable which encroaches on the South walk along the house.

Letter to E of L to his factor

17th July 1714

Stops the work going on in the house apart from urgent items. Garden walks are to be carried on.

Bundle A/1312

M of Bute's Papers

Mount Stuart


Memos about Loudoun House and Grounds. E of Loudoun to Alex McGill

Feb 3rd 1714

Covers: Gallery

Marble chimneys


Bedroom door

Paving: Kitchen

White glazed tiles for bedroom

Banks and slopes



To try to save the old planting

To stake out the walks of the parterre as on The Great Plan

To find a place for the Menagrie

To malke a plan of a house of entertainment to be built at the end of the West Avenue

To consider a fit place for a Gardener's house 2 storey high with

some comvenience for drying seeds and keeping fruit

Landscaping of thr Earl of Loudoun's Estate.

Letter from the 3rd Earl of Loudoun to James, Duke of Montrose.

He apologises for not visitong the Duke but Sandy McGill [Alexander McGill, Architect d. 1734] is with the writer 'with whom I have business of great importance concerning my Wilderness, laying out walks in the wood and other affairs of this sort'.

1716 GD 220/5/703

National Library of Scotland : Newhailes Papers

MS 25675 Photograph album with photograph of Gallery at Loudoun Castle etc. c.1905

People and Organisations
