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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 810161

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NS37SE 30 centred 37643 72024

This anti-aircraft battery is situated to the S of Langbank, some 100m SE of two radio masts on the top of Gallahill.

It consists of four gun emplacements and two separate magazine buildings, the command post is extant, but has been buried. The battery is in fair condition.

Information from Mr J Guy, August 1996

This World War II heavy anti-aircraft battery is situated SE of Bogside Farm on northeast-facing sloping ground near two masts. The four brick and concrete gun-emplacements and two magazine buildings survive. The battery was armed with 4 3.7-inch guns.

J Guy 2001; NMRS MS 810/11, Part 2, 162-3, Vol.2 (appendix), 16.

This heavy anti-aircraft battery is visible on RAF post-war vertical air photographs (106G/UK 1208, 5388-9, flown 7 March 1946. The gun positions are as described by Guy (J Guy 2001), but the accommodation camp is visible to the W of the battery and immediately to the E of the minor road from Bogside to North Glen farmsteadings. No evidence of a radar installation (GL-mat and ramp) can be seen on the photograph

Information from RCAHMS (DE), November 2002.

Oblique aerial photographs taken in September 2007 (RCAHMS 2007), show that one gun emplacement (NS 37634 72047) has had the concrete ready use lockers removed from within the encircling concrete outer wall. The other structures on the site would appear to be as described above.

Information from RCAHMS (DE), December 2007.

Scheduled as 'Steel Cottage, anti-aircraft battery 480m NW of... the remains of a heavy anti-aircraft battery, dating to the Second World War. Consisting of a command post, several gun emplacements and a number of associated buildings, the site is located on a SE facing slope some 480m north-west of Steel Cottage. The battery lies in an area of rough grazing on the slopes of Gallahill, adjacent to a golf course [NS37SE 77] attached to the Gleddoch House Hotel [NS37SE 48]. [It] consists of four upstanding gun emplacements, two ammunition magazines, an outbuilding and the earthwork remains of a setting for three fuel tanks.'

Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 25 March 2011.

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