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Architecture Notes
Event ID 805491
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
Architect: Reginald Fairlie 1934 - Roxburgh Cloister
National Library -
M.S.S. 155-156 Vol. 1 (Gen. Hutton) - 2 sketches dated 1784-1788.
No. 155 - Bridge and Abbey in distance.
No. 156 - of stone placed in wall on Edin. Rd.
Ministry of Works Library -
Country Life, Sept. 24th p.776 - photograph of water colour by Baynes 1812.
Southern Reporter - July 5th 1866
Restoration of Kelso Abbey. Repairs £300 under the superintendence
of Mr Blaikie, Master of Works to the Duke of Buccleuch.
Massive clustered arch in SW arch is bulging out.