Archaeology Notes
Event ID 793018
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NO43SW 89.01 41193 30470
Location formerly cited as NO 41193 30467.
Not to be confused with NO43SW 89.02 (adjacent to E).
Swing-bridge (Foot) [NAT]
OS (GIS) AIB, April 2006.
This bridge allows foot passage across the E end of Victoria Dock (NO43SW 89.00), near the entrance from Camperdown Dock (NO43SW 90.00). It is depicted (but not noted) on the 1984 edition of the OS 1:10,000 map.
The location assigned to this record defines the midpoint of the structure. The available map evidence suggests that it extends from NO c. 41190 30486 to NO c. 41197 30451.
The reason for the apparent construction of two bridges (NO43SW 89.01 and NO43SW 89.02 ) remains unclear. The latter may have been removed, and the former constructed as a partial replacement.
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 21 April 2006.
A two leaf plate iron footbridge is situated about the mid-point of the channel between Victoria Dock and Camperdown Dock. It is a segmental arched type in two sections with the arms of the Dundee Harbour Board at the fulcrum point. Iron handrails on both sides and a timber deck.
Visited by RCAHMS (MKO), 18 Ocotber 2004