Archaeology Notes
Event ID 789531
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT42NW 29 449 267.
Aerial photography has revealed the cropmarks of a large sub-rectangular enclosure on top of an un-named ridge 310m NW of Middlestead farmsteading. It measures approximately 90m by 78m, within an irregular ditch 3m to 5m wide, with an entrance on the E side. A sub-circular marking with a diameter of approximately 21m is visible within the SE corner. A linear cropmark runs for about 90m in a SSW-NNE direction immediately to the S and E of the enclosure, which it respects. The cropmark of a smaller rectangular enclosure has been recorded 160m to the ESE (NT42NE 47).
Information from RCAHMS (KB) 13 July 1999