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Field Visit

Date 5 May 1997

Event ID 784207

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NS89NW 56.04 8297 9993

Five subrectangular shieling-huts are situated on a steep-sided spur projecting from the W flank of Loss Hill. Four of the huts (MENS97 82-5) occupy the top of the spur (NS 8297 9993) and measure between 3.2m by 2.1m and 4.6m by 2.5m within turf banks spread to 1m in thickness and 0.3m in height. Two parallel turf banks, set about 20m apart, extend for about 40m run along the ridge to the N and NW of the huts.

The fifth hut (MENS97 81, NS 8292 9992) which is similar to the others and measures 3.6m by 2.5m internally, lies at the base of the knoll to the W, and at the SSE end of a short length of turf bank. Slight traces of a turf bank extend up the side of the knoll towards the other huts.

(MENS97 81-5)

Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 5 May 1997

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