Archaeology Notes
Event ID 775510
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NJ72SW 96 7272 2281
East Blairbowie steading was built sometime between 1838 and 1869; it is not depicted on Walker and Beattie's estate map of 1838 but appears on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire, sheet liv, 1869). The steading has changed little since the 19th century, and remains in use.
Visited by RCAHMS (JRS), 4 December 1997.
A sales brochure of 1932 provides particulars of East Blairbowie Farm (lot 10, p.11) including details of the farmhouse and the steading. The house comprised a kitchen, a dairy, a scullery and five other rooms. The steading comprised a stable for three horses, a byre for eighteen cattle, a cow shed, a barn, a turnip house, a trap house, a fowl house and a wash house with adjoining living room.
In 1932 the farm was let to Mr AD Bruce; at that time the size of the farm was about 67 acres (27.1ha) and its rent was ?76 per annum.
Information from RCAHMS (JRS), 28 May 1998.
NMRS, MS/992/4.