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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 767894
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
HU40NW 4 centred 4072 0788
This Chain Home Low Radar Station is situated within the boundary of the lighthouse buildings. The transmitter(Tx) and receiver (Rx) blocks along with the engine room and tower bases are extant.
One of the early types of Chain Home Low radar station, begun as separate transmitting and receiver aerials which were later combined into one. Due to interference from the lighthouse buildings the radar station was moved to Compass Head (HU40NW 5) just to the N.
J Guy 1995; NMRS MS 810/4, 61-4
Additonal information provided by Mr I Brown states that the station was replaced by Grutness (HU40NW 5).
Information from Mr I Brown, 19 October 1998.
The radar station is visible on vertical air photographs (106G/scot/UK 97, 4025-4026, 18 May 1946), which shows that the buildings are situated at several points within the lighthouse boundary.
The buildings are constructed of brick, brick and shuttered concrete two of which have blast walls in from of the entrances. One building is adjacent to the lighthuse fog horn.
Information from RCAHMS (DE), January 2006
This station was never a Chain Home Low radar installation.
Information via e-mail from Mr I Brown, 21 October 2005