Archaeology Notes
Event ID 750504
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS53NW 45 5407 3723
This is a block of mostly single-storeyed yellow Ayrshire fireclay brick sheds. The S portion comprises a two-storeyed block (9 bays long) extending to a rounded corner onto Union Street and Ladeside. The N single storeyed portion is 7 bays long. The W (Union Street) frontage comprises a typical pattern of shallow segmentally arched windows in each bay, separated by pilasters, with a saw-tooth course close to the wallhead. The Ladeside frontage's windows differ in that they are rectangular, with brick voussoirs and central keystones. The works is empty, derelict and severely vandalised.
Visited by RCAHMS (MKO) 30 May 1995