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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 746636

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


ND39NW 128 3277 9918

South House comprises three structures:

Structure (a) Latest domestic unit of single room with chimney at each end. No partitioning evident. Drystone construction with some rendering.

Structure (b) Earlier domestic unit (Room II) with internal access with chimney at either end but no partitioning evident. Later used as byre with stalling. Opesided structure (Room I) added to west, possibly barn/garage. Drystone construction throughout.

Structure (c) Agricultural building probably related to structure (b). No evidence of domestic occupation. Wide entrance to main area (Room II). Room I later added to south. Drystone construction throughout.

Associated Features:

(d) Irregular turf-covered mound c 8 x 5m and height c 1m located immediately to south of south-east corner of structure (a).

J R Hunter 1984

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