Archaeology Notes
Event ID 745558
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NG54NE 7 5759 4595
Lying on the summit of a birch-covered knoll which lies 100m SW of the sharp bend in the road, about 110m OD is a degraded, boulder built, single cell shieling. The remains measure 6.8m by 3.5m over walls 1.0m wide. There is no obvious entrance. To the W are four small plots of lazy beds and to the S is a small area of rig cultivation with associated clearance cairns.
Visited by I Marshall 26 March 1991.
Miket, R et al.1991; NMRS MS/530.
Site recorded during a survey of the townships of North and South Screapadal plus the surrounding area carried out by the Association of Certificated Field Archaeologists (ACFA) in April 1998 as part of a continuing programme of recording the physical remains of human activity on the island of Raasay (Macdonald and Scott Wood 1997).
NG 5760 4592 Shieling.
A full report has been lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsors: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Glasgow Archaeological Society, CBA Challenge Funding.
J Macdonald and J Scott Wood 1998.