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Field Visit
Date 15 March 1993
Event ID 740859
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NH62NW 33 6316 2658.
This township is situated on the SW edge of an improved field about 200m W of Tynrich farmsteading and comprises ten buildings, the majority of which are aligned from NE to SW and are grouped closely together. Although much reduced by robbing, it is evident that all but one were rectangular and built with faced-rubble walls, ranging in size from 9m to 23.8m in length by between 4m and 7.2m in breadth over walls measuring about 1m in thickness and up to 0.5m in height, where best preserved.
Three of the longer buildings were divided into two compartments and one building (USN93 93) was distinguished by a byre-drain in its SW end. There was one sub-rectangular building which measured 7.6m in length by 2.7m transversely within faced-rubble walls 0.7m in thickness and 0.5m in height (USN93 97). The settlement is depicted on General Roy's map (1747-55) and seven buildings are shown as roofed on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1875, sheet xxx), but it had been abandoned by the time of the 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1905, sheet xxx). The Name Book describes the township as 'two small one storied farmhouses situated near each other with the necessary outhouses all thatched' (ONB 1875).
(USN93 92-9, 263-4).
Visited by RCAHMS (PJD) 15 March 1993.