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Field Visit
Date February 1991 - November 1991
Event ID 740445
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NS62NE 18.01 centred 6600 2520
Within this area, 80 mine-shafts have been identified. These range from small bell-pits with little spoil to mine-shafts with machinery stances and massive spoil dumps. All but two of the mines were out of use by the publication of the 1st ed of the OS 25-inch map (Ayrshire, Sheet xxx.11, 1856 {survey date}). A total of 13 circular horse-engine platforms were recorded during the course of the survey, and all of these belong to the mines dating from the first half of the 19th century.
Visited by RCAHMS (ARW, SPH), February-November 1991.
NMRS MS 731/6.