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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 740349

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes



Site recorded by GUARD during the Coastal Assessment Survey for Historic Scotland, 'The Firth of Forth from Dunbar to the Coast of Fife' 1996.

NT 0538 8009 and NT 0544 8014 A watching brief was maintained in January 2006 while contractors excavated small exploratory trenches to assess the make-up of the current access road and any potential impact on underlying archaeological deposits. It was evident from the condition of the road that over the years it had been subject to extensive ground works through the insertion of services, drains and more recently streetlights along its southern edge. There were no finds or features of archaeological significance.

Archive to be deposited in NMRS.

Sponsor: Historic Scotland.

Claire Shaw, 2006.

People and Organisations
