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Field Visit

Date 13 August 1991

Event ID 739862

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NX78SE 33 7913 8390.

What may be a hut-circle (NX 7913 8390, Nith 9) is situated just off the crest of a ridge on the E of Castramon Moor. It measures 6m in diameter within a stony bank 1.9m in thickness and 0.3m in height. There are facing stones, disposed intermittently around the bank, except in the E arc which has largely been removed. Small cairns, measuring up to 6m in diameter and 0.4m in height, are scattered across the dissected ground around the hut-circle and the building (below).

On the edge of a gully to the WNW of the hut-circle there is a building (NX 7923 8388, Nith 7) measuring 6.5m from E to W by 3m transversely within stone footings 1.2m in thickness and 0.3m in height. There is what may be either an earlier structure or a second, wasted, building to the W. A D-shaped enclosure adjoins the building on the N side.

(Nith 7, 9)

Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 13 August 1991.

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