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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 735562
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS76NE 20 773 664
NS 773 664 An evaluation was undertaken on the site of the former Boots Factory in October 2006. The site is proposed for redevelopment for residential housing. Two areas were evaluated.
Area A was of archaeological interest as map evidence shows the presence of a farmsteading, Rawyards Farm. This farmsteading is depicted in detail on the 1st Edition OS map (1864), and it also corresponds to the site of Ryeyards Farm depicted on William Roy's Military Survey of Scotland Map (1747-55), indicating continuity of occupation from at least the mid-18th century. Thirteen trenches (c 450m2) were excavated in this area. The evaluation established the presence of the remains of buildings at the site of Rawyards Farmsteading and of cottages fronting the A73 Motherwell Road.
Area B was a parcel of former agricultural land to the SE of the Monkland Branch rail-line and has been undeveloped since at least the time of the 1st Edition OS map. This area was considered to have the highest potential for the preservation of buried remains of archaeological interest. Ninety-two trenches were excavated in Area B totalling c 4600m2. A small section of dry stone wall was uncovered and evidence of ground levelling work using mining waste was revealed.
Archive to be deposited with NMRS and WoSAS SMR.
Sponsor: Woodford Group Ltd.
C O'Connell, 2006.