Field Visit
Date 28 June 1990
Event ID 734129
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NG26SW 2.07 2313 6323.
This hut-circle is situated on a slight terrace on a NE facing slope to the S of Borrafiach Burn; it measures 8.1m in diameter within a bank spread to 2m thick and 0.3m in height. It is slightly terraced into the slope on the S side. Ridging, aligned from NNE-SSW overlies the hut-circle, and one furrow, which bisects the hut-circle, may have obscured the entrance. There are at least seven small cairns in the vicinity, mostly to the NNW, measuring up to 5m in diameter and 0.5m in height, at least one of which is overlain by a furrow. A bank to the W of the hut-circle appears to constrain the ridging and may be contemporary with it. To the S, on a higher terrace, is an intermittent stretch of walling, defined by orthostats protruding from the peat. Probing suggested that the bank was more substantial and continuous under the peat. It could not be traced in an area of peat cutting to the SE of the hut-circle.
(WAT90 629)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 28 June 1990.