Field Visit
Date 16 July 1990
Event ID 733992
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NY 1457 9162 NY19SW 31
This possible scooped settlement is situated on a slight terrace on the SW flank of Cacrabank Hill above Hibble Hags. Subrectangular on plan with a later semicircular annex on the S, it measures 24.6m from E to W by 23.5m transversely within an earth-and-stone bank 3.7m thick by up to 0.3m high externally. The entrance (3m wide) is on the upper side, at the NE corner; a slight break in the bank on the SE (at the junction with the overlying bank of the annex) is possibly for drainage. The interior is featureless.
The annexe comprises a semicircular arc of walling 1.4m thick, which overlies the bank of the settlement on the SE. Now reduced to a grass-grown stony bank 2.2m thick and 0.2m high, the wall encloses an area measuring 22.3m from E to W by 10.5m transversely. The entrance is on the W, where the wall of the annexe stops 2.5m short of the bank of the settlement. There is a recent cairn at the centre of the interior.
Visited by RCAHMS (SMF), 16 July 1990.
Listed as settlement.
RCAHMS 1997.