Archaeology Notes
Event ID 729683
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NH01NE 1.00 0536 1838
NH01NE 1.01 053 183 Cottage: cruck-framed
NH01NE 1.02 0539 1855 Sheepfold
A farmstead, comprising one roofed bothy and up to seven roofless rectangular buildings and enclosures, was recorded during a survey of the West Affric Estate by J Wordsworth for the National Trust for Scotland.
The bothy, at NH 0534 1835, has been restored. It measures 12m by 6m overall and has chimneys built into its gable-ends. It may correspond to the cruck-framed building (NH01SE 1.01) previously noted at Camban. A ruined mortared building, measuring 10m by 4m over 0.6m wide walls, lies to the E at NH 0536 1837. There is a 0.9m wide doorway but no evidence for chimneys. Closeby, at NH 0536 1838, there is a heavily robbed drystone structure measuring 7m by 4m overall. To the S below the track, at NH 0536 1835, there is a further rectangular building measuring 10m by 4m over 0.5m thick walls. A 1m wide doorway is centrally placed in the S wall. There is no evidence for chimneys. The foundations of a building, measuring 8m by 5m, lie directly S of this structure whilst what may be a wall of a fifth structure, otherwise heavily overgrown, lies some 30m downhill.
To the E of the burn about 100m E of the main group, there are two further buildings. The W building, at NH 0549 1837, measures 10.5 by 4m overall. A 5m by 2m pen has been added to the E end. Further E again, at NH 05571843, there are the remains of a mortared rectangular building of uncertain length, perhaps up to 8m, by 5m. The 0.9m wide doorway is on the N wall with a further, 0.55m wide and 0.6m high entry and a window on the S wall. This building is associated with a delapidated enclosure. There are traces of further enclosures on both sides of the track.
J Wordsworth (Wordsworth Archaeological Services) 25 June and 1 July 1995; NMRS MS 961/22, no.28