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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 706448
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS87NE 4 8922 7992.
(NS 8922 7992) Roman Coins found AD 1933 (NAT)
OS 25" map (1944)
A Roman coin hoard, contained in a red earthenware vessel, was found in august 1933 whilst levelling a small hill in Bell's Meadow, a little NE of Belmont House, Falkirk.
The coins, over 1,925 in number, had formed a hard metallic cluster, and had been covered by a cloth with a pattern of checks, a piece of which was recovered. The hoard was far the largest found in Scotland. All the coins were denarii except for a Greek coin, a Lycian drachm of Trajan, and dated from c.83 BC to 230 AD. As the condition of the latest coin showed that before being hidden, it has been in circulation for some years, we may infer that the hoard was concealed about AD 240 or 250. Except for a few coins which were retained by onlookers, the hoard was retained as treasure trove by the NMAS.
G Macdonald 1934
NS 8917 7990. Sited by Mr J Smith of Mumrills who was present at the site shortly after the find had been made.
Visited by OS (FDC) 16 June 1950
Mr J Smith (Mumrills Farm) states that his brother, now deceased, was present at the coin hoard discovery, and he is of the opinion that the findspot is to the SW of the OS published site.
The two possible sites of the coin hoard are both covered by the parking area attached to the bus station. In view of the uncertainty of Mr Smith's evidence, the OS siting has been adopted (NMAS Acc No: FR 482-3).
Visited by OS (DS) 1 February 1957
A Roman bronze 'Urbs Roma' coin, minted at Cyzicus, found at an unspecified depth but apparently below plough level or other recent disturbance in Bell's Meadow, Falkirk, was submitted by Miss D Hunter, Dollar Park Museum, Falkirk, on 12 July 1957.
A S Robertson 1963
No further information.
Visited by OS (DWR) 8 February 1974
Two coins of Hadrian and Commodus, reputedly from this hoard, were submitted to Falkirk Museum in 1961 and 1963. The former was donated.
A S Robertson 1984