Archaeology Notes
Event ID 703307
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NJ01NW 24 03875 17355.
Formerly also entered as NJ01NW 18, and classified as Township at cited location Centred NJ 0386 1737.
A township comprising two unroofed, one partially roofed, four roofed buildings, one of which is L-shaped, and three enclosures is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1874, sheet lx). Three roofed buildings and an enclosure are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1972).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH), 29 July 1996.
Lurg is a working farmsteading that was not recorded in detail on the date of visit. The 18th century farmhouse is still inhabited and the majority of the outbuildings are still in use; noting was restricted to a disused range and a limekiln on the SE side of the steading. Two other buildings, which respectively stood immediately N of and 80m NW of the farmhouse and are shown roofed on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1874, sheet LX), have been removed. Similarly, nothing is now visible of an unroofed building shown on the same map 120m to the N of the farmhouse.
The range (NJ 03923 17311) contains a single-storey dwelling at its N end and a two-storey barn. The dwelling has a central entrance and flanking windows in its E side, a small window in the centre of the W side and fireplaces in both gables. All of the internal fittings have been removed from the dwelling, which now has a corrugated steel-sheet roof. The barn, which is roofless, has opposed doorways in its E and W sides, and there is a doorway into a former hayloft in the S gable at first-floor level. There is also a narrow, slit window in the S gable at ground-floor level, and in the N gable, shared with the dwelling, there is an ambry at ground-floor level. There is also what appears to be a blocked doorway in this gable, set between the two floors, but it is not visible from inside the dwelling. This range is depicted roofed on both the 1st and 2nd editions of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1874, sheet LX; 1902, sheet LX).
The limekiln (NJ 03903 17266) is situated 38m SW of the range, at the top of the steep, W-face of a river terrace. Only the rear face of the rectangular drystone pot is visible, measuring up to 1.5m in breadth and 2m in height, and incorporating, near its top, a narrow ledge or scarcement. The kiln is not shown on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map but it is annotated 'Old Limekiln' on the 2nd edition of the map.
Visited by RCAHMS (JRS, PMcK) 23 August 2006.