Archaeology Notes
Event ID 689287
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NO45NW 24 centred NO 40660 58000
RCAHMS aerial photographs reveal a camp with Stracathro-type gates E of the fort described on NO45NW 10. The ditch on the E side was found to be V-shaped, 1.2m wide at the top of the loose gravel subsoil and 0.9m deep. The virtual absence of primary silt suggested that it had been soon backfilled. The camp, much of whose N side may have been destroyed by erosion, measures c.145m E-W by at least 162m, giving an area of c.2.3 ha (5.7 acres). (Work directed by G S Maxwell and J K St Joseph, who provided information.)
S S Frere 1985.
2.4ha camp, with Stracathro-type gates and of Flavian period.
G S Maxwell and D R Wilson 1987.