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Architecture Notes
Event ID 684419
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
NO20NE 3.00 25345 07454
ARCHITECT: Thomas Bonnar - painted ceilings - 'David Scott' and Priest's Rooms 1895
John Kinross - restoration
Robert Weir Schultz - Domestic Chapel and Corridor restoration
William Frame - restoration for Lord Bute
Mr Edwards (Alexr Edward) 1699 'Draught of the Low Palace at Falkland'
John Merlioun 1537, Nicholas Roy, Moses Martin, mason, William Turnbull, Andrews Matheson, William Thome, Andrew Wright - Chapel Block, 1501-12
Thomas French, James Black - Gothic S Front 1538-9.
John Brownhill, Henry Bawte, 1539-41.
Peter Flemishman - statuary on S front.
OWNER: National Trust for Scotland
NMRS Print Room
Falkland Palace
5 exterior views (2 of them filed in Bo/Ro, Ferniehirst)
Close view of the chapel screen
W Schomberg Scott Photograph Collection
Acc No 1997/39
NMRS Plans
I G Linsday Collection, W/239
SCOTS MAGAZINE, November 1807, 1 engraving.
Railing and gate for Falkland Palace. Estimates are to be obtained from Paterson, Iron Founder, Leith for undertaking the work in cast iron and from Wilson, Smith, The Mint, for them in wrought iron.
Letters: William Waddel to John Bruce
January 12 and 24 1822 GD152/218/5/Bundle 20/1 and 2.
Repair and conversion of a circular tower in the Palace Garden into a Pigeon House. Estimate ?85.
Letter: John Swinton, Architect, to William Waddel.
26 April 1822 GD152/218/5/Bundle 20/9
Repair work at Falkland Palace. Receipts for work, materials and carriage. Account for ?759.11.5 from John Swinton, Contractor. (51)
1824 GD/152/217/5/Bundle 16/1-51
Proposal by John Swinton that the House at Falkland Palace formerly occupied by the Clergyman should be made habitable at a small expense for a Tenant 'supposing him to be a Gentleman or a retired Officer, with the seven Acres in the Garden!
John Bruce wishes to know if this work is included in Swinton's estimate.
Letter: John Bruce to William Waddel.
9 May 1825 GD/152/218/5/Bundle 22/7
'Proposed repairs to the Tower over the Gateway of Falkland Palace. I would suggest for Mr Swinton's consideration ... The Tower over the Gateway to be made as like the other as practicable and the Windows which are to be stopped up to be marked and painted as Windows to preserve the ancient external appearance.'
Letter: John Bruce to William Waddel.
9 May 1825 GD/152/218/5/Bundle 22/7
'Proposed repairs to the Chapel of Falkland Palace. 'I would suggest for Mr Swinton's consideration ... the windows in the Chapel may be Casement Glass not large panes and the middle Window to be plastered up and the outside made in imitation of a Window as five windows will be quite sufficient and have Iron Bars without and Wire Work to defend them ... The floor of the Chapel may be made sufficiently strong to protect the Dwelling House below ... The Cupola of the Pulpit may be preserved till I see what can be done with it.'
Letter: John Bruce to William Waddel.
9 May 1825 GD/152/218/5/Bundle 22/7
Proposed repairs [to Chapel, Gateway and House] at Falkland Palace. John Bruce agrees that Mr Waddel should 'settle with Swinton , and let it be done forthwith; as it can be better done now, when Swinton is there than afterwards.'
Letter: John Bruce to William Waddel.
16 May 1825 GD/152/218/5/Bundle 22/9
Proposed repairs to the Chapel at Falkland Palace. 'Had any remains of the Antiquities in the interior of the chapel, been preserved, it would have been worthwhile to put Glass windows in all the 3 but this not being the Case, the external appearance only is worth attention. It was surely to preserve the house below as habitable thar Swinton recommended the Chapel to have a new floor and the only chance we have of making anything of the Palace is to make what was the Minister's house habitable for a tenant. Letter John Bruce to William Waddel.
13 June 1825 GD218/5/Bundle 22/17
Proposed addition to Falkland Palace and restoration of garden and terraces. 'It would be much the cheapest and most convenient thing you could do - to say nothing of the taste and character and popularity of it.'
Letter: C R Cockerell [1788-1863], Architect to O Tyndall Bruce.
25 March 1828 GD152/53/1/Bundle 16/1
Proposal to restore Falkland Palace rather than build a house on a new site. 'There may be something strained and difficult in realising my scheme but were I King of Falkland I feel that I should make a great effort to do so ...' Letter: C R Cockerell [1788-1863], Architect to O Tyndall Bruce.
12 January 1831 GD152/53/1/Bundle 16/2
Falkland Palace. Print of an engraving used as a heading for account from R Burton, General Merchant, Falkland.
Valentine Sc. Dundee 1839. GD152/53/3/Bundle 18/4
Report on the condition of the flooring over the Great Hall of Falkland Palace. 'Many of the joists are quite rotten at the ends where they should be resting in the wall, so that the floor and ceiling consisting of an immense mass of heavy oak joisting and panelling appears to be almost entirely supported by a few strappings let fall from the struts of the roof and nailed to the decayed joists ...'.
Letters: William Howden, Factor, to A hamilton Bruce.
January 1882 GD152/217/4/Bundle 10/12
MISCELLANEOUS: From the 'Proceedings of Tempera Painting'. Vol. XLIII - 1 pamphlet