Architecture Notes
Event ID 676677
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
Scottish Record Office.
Improvements to Harbour. John Mitchell's letter acknowledges J. Stewart
Mackenzie's request for a survey.
1820 GD 46/17/56
J. Rickman's letter inform sJ.A. Stewart MacKenzie that Thomas Telford
agrees that a survey should be done and that he will arrange a time with
James Mitchell. Mr. David Wilson is to accompany Mr. Telford to Lewis
and to assist with the plan.
1820 GD 46/17/56
Stornoway Harbour and Pier.
Request for a survey with a view to improvement has been made and Thomas Telford
has agreed to this.
Letter from J Rickman to J A Stewart Mackenzie.
1820 GD 46/17/56