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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 659153
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS97NE 112 Centred 980 766
Centred on NS97NE 111 and NS 980 766 In 1995, the third year of a six year programme of gravel extraction, an area c 225 x 175m was stripped of topsoil. This was located to the NE of the area which had been stripped during 1993 and 1994 (CFA 1994). In 1996 an area c 200m x 190m was stripped of topsoil, located to the NE of the area which had been stripped in the previous year. No new archaeological features were evident.
Sponsor: Scottish Aggregates Ltd.
R J Strachan 1996
NS 981 768 (centre) In 1997 a watching brief was conducted during the topsoil stripping of an area c 180 x 170m located to the NE of areas which were subject to monitoring between 1993-6 (CFA 1994; Strachan 1996). No archaeological features were identified.
Sponsor: Scottish Aggregates Ltd.
B Glendinning 1997