Archaeology Notes
Event ID 655131
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS77NW 69 7215 7680
NS 721 768 A desk-based assessment and evaluation were undertaken in March and April 2004 to identify archaeological sites within 0.75km of a proposed development. Test trenches were excavated to locate the original edge and form of the canal and basin.
After this section of the canal was cut (around 1770) it was lined with a near-impermeable layer of clay. The continuation of the clay lining and the wall face into the basin indicates that Auchinstarry Basin was dug out and created as an integral part of the canal. The timber-laced revetment that lay along the W side of the basin may have been constructed as an integral part of the basin and canal. The serious decline of the canal at the end of the 19th century is reflected by the robbing of the wall W of the basin.
Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: HS.
D Gallagher, P Sharman and D Stewart 2004.