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Field Visit

Date 18 September 1991

Event ID 643766

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NT19NE 27 1703 9647

The winding tower of Lochore Colliery (Mary Pit) which is depicted on the revision of the 2nd edition of the OS 25-inch map (Fifeshire, 1914, sheet xxvi.16), has been preserved as a monument in the NW corner of Lochore Golf Course.

This colliery had a very long life span, opened in 1904 by the Fife Coal Company, and closing in 1966. The mine consisted of two shafts, the deepest being some 285 fathoms producing both house and navigation coal.

The shaft has been capped with a slab of concrete, as has a second shaft (not visited) on the golf course to the E. The surrounding area has been reclaimed on a massive scale and numerous other spoil tips and mineheads depicted in the vicinity on earlier editions of the OS maps have now disappeared (NT 168 964, 172 965 and 173 963).

Others lie beneath housing in Ballingry (NT 177 974, 178 975 and 179 975). A new visitor centre (NT19NE 30) lies adjacent to the site of one of the miners rows that were built for the mines in this area.

(Cleish91 379)

Visited by RCAHMS (SPH) 18 September 1991.

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