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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 643620

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NT27SE 5888 c.265 739

NT 265 739 A historic building survey and excavation were undertaken between March and October 2003.

The survey indicated that the building may originally have been constructed as a single-storey workshop or dwelling, probably in the mid-19th century, but soon after was converted for use as a lofted building, probably a stable with hayloft. Subsequently, many of the original openings were blocked and a large central opening inserted. This was later heightened to accommodate its new use as a workshop/garage.

An evaluation of the site in March and April 2003 revealed a series of garden soil deposits, with modern disturbance along the frontage of Calton Road. The natural boulder clay was around 3m below ground level. No structures or features were identified during the evaluation, though there remained the possibility that cut features might survive beneath the garden soil deposits and further mitigation was required before development.

This comprised the excavation of two trenches along the line of the E wall of the proposed building. The garden soils were recorded and sample excavated for the retrieval of finds. Five phases of activity were identified. The earliest deposits dated to the 13th to 15th centuries and comprised garden soil and a pit. Phases 2 and 3 comprised garden soils, dating to the 16th and 17th centuries, with a possible path associated with Phase 2. Phase 4 deposits contained pottery dating up to the 18th century, and was the last deposit of garden soil before the site was developed for industrial use in the 19th century.

Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.

Sponsor: Gray, Marshall & Associates.

E Jones and T Holden 2003

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