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Date 5 March 2003

Event ID 642946

Category Recording

Type Excavation


NT07NW 240 00397 77100

NT 0040 7707 The former St Michael's Bakery comprises three stone buildings set back and perpendicular to the High Street frontage. In advance of refurbishment works, a desk-based assessment and building appraisal were undertaken in March 2003. Of the three buildings, the earliest is possibly 17th century; the other two buildings are likely to be late 18th or early 19th century. A test pit was also excavated in the garden area to the rear of the site.

A watching brief was subsequently undertaken on ground disturbance in the garden area where a possible medieval cobbled surface had been identified during the test pitting. No archaeologically significant features or deposits were identified.

Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.

Sponsor: Stewart Homes Ltd.

R Coleman 2003

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