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Date 1977
Event ID 640469
Category Documentary Reference
Type Reference
The artifactual assemblage of the Dartmouth (now held by the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland) offers a dated assemblage (from shortly before October 1690), which is presumably of largely Scottish manufacture and may be studied in comparison with recent standard works (by Oswald and others).
The assemblage includes twenty diagnostic bowls or fragments; a further eighteen bowl- and nine stem-and-bowl fragments cannot be specifically assigned. Twice as many marked pipes were found as unmarked, but only four different marks were noted. The most common marks were I C (25 examples, presumably by James Colquhoun of Glasgow, post-1668) and M L (9 examples, unattributed, but probably not Scottish).
A remarkable variety of shapes and sizes is represented, and may be placed within a more restricted chronological range than would have been the case if they were found in a different context. Comparison with the finds from other wrecks of the periods will prove instructive, specifically the Mary (1675), the Sapphire (1696) and the Association or Tearing Ledge site (1707).
P Martin 1977.