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External Reference

Date 2002

Event ID 640461

Category Documentary Reference

Type External Reference


The following finds from the wreck of the Dartmouth are held in the National Museums of Scotland (under the accession numbers cited):

H.HXD.1-33 clay pipes: mixed bowls, stems and heels,

H.HXD.34-8 flints: fragments, pieces, pebbles and scrapers

H.HXD.39-70 glass: fragments in various colours, including bottles and pieces (necks, bases and bottoms) thereof, also pieces of window-glass,

H.HXD.71-115 cannon and cannonballs (of unspecified calibres), grenades and fuses, musket balls and shot

H.HXD.116-123 miscellaneous iron objects: rods, lumps, pins and pieces

H.HXD.124-166 miscellaneous lead, copper and pewter objects and pieces, including lumps, discs, cups and sheet. Also lead scupper-pieces and plumb-bob

H.HXD.167-172 miscellaneous copper and bronze objects and pieces, including plates, pipes, handles, fragments and stopper

H.HXD.173 mortar [of unspecified material, probably brass]

H.HXD.174 ship's bell [of unspecified material, probably brass]

H.HXD.175-6 brass candlestick holders and related objects

H.HXD.177A-B brass fragments

H.HXD.178 brass lid, possibly of powder-flask

H.HXD.179-80 brass candle-holder and candlestick base fragments

H.HXD.181 brass pommel

H.HXD.182 wooden pistol-butt (with concretion)

H.HXD.183 protractor and nest of weights [possibly of brass]

H.HXD.184A part of lock, possibly of brass

H.HXD.184B piece of pewter

H.HXD.185 piece of (possibly) pewter

H.HXD.186 piece of lead or pewter

H.HXD.187 pewter plates

H.HXD.188 pewter handle

H.HXD.189-93 pewter pieces and fragments (often of plates)

H.HXD.194 pewter tankard-lid (with glass handle attached)

H.HXD.195-6 pewter spoons

H.HXD.197 pewter cup or wine-taster

H.HXD.198 pewter pieces

H.HXD.199 bronze rivet

H.HXD.200 bronze strap

H.HXD.201 hinge with nail (possibly of bronze)

H.HXD.202 bronze coin

H.HXD.203 bronze sheet

H.HXD.204 pieces of sheet of [unspecified] metal

H.HXD.205 small tack of [unspecified] metal

H.HXD.206 small button of [unspecified] metal

H.HXD.207-234 objects, strips or ribbon, coin, pin, pieces, disc and fragments of [unspecified] metal

H.HXD.235-6 metal syringes

H.HXD.237-246 metal dish, spoons and pieces (also length of possible rope)

H.HXD.247 lead button

H.HXD.248 coin

H.HXD.249 casting sprues

H.HXD.250-253 piece of pitch, samples of 'black goo' and lump of unspecified material

H.HXD.254 metal candlestick

H.HXD.255-266 wooden objects and fragments including pulley block fragments, possible gunstock and square panel

H.HXD.267 wooden folding rules

H.HXD.268 wooden buttons

H.HXD.269-270 wooden knife-handles

H.HXD.271 wooden piece

H.HXD.272-273 wooden pulley sheaths

H.HXD.274-275 wooden pieces

H.HXD.276 part of musket stock

H.HXD.277-279 wooden handles

H.HXD.280 piece of wood (painted pink)

H.HXD.281-282 wooden pieces (including pulley and possible blocks)

H.HXD.283 wooden knife-handles

H.HXD.284 wooden pieces

H.HXD.285 wooden plate

H.HXD.286 wooden handles

H.HXD.287 chalk lumps

H.HXD.288-289 sawdust lump and samples

H.HXD.290-294 slate pieces and lumps

H.HXD.295-296 rope lengths and piece

H.HXD.297-300 leather fragments and pieces (including fragments of shoe)

H.HXD.301 bone knife-handle

H.HXD.302-307 bone piece, objects and disc (also bones and bag of charred bone)

H.HXD.308 fragment of bowl [presumably pottery]

H.HXD.309 brown jar [presumably pottery]

H.HXD.310 tiles

H.HXD.311 fragment and pieces of coal

H.HXD.312 pieces of fossilised shell

H.HXD.313 pieces of tortoiseshell razor-case

H.HXD.314 piece of sealing-wax

H.HXD.315-316 ivory container and threaded piece

H.HXD.317 fibre ring

H.HXD.318 brass ring-brooch

H.HXD.319 possible horn handle

H.HXD.320-321 horsehair (with wood attached)

H.HXD.322 sample of fur with plaster or mortar

H.HXD.323 pieces of unknown material

H.HXD.324A fragment of lead or pewter strap

H.HXD.324B iron nail

H.HXD.324C fragment of chalk

H.HXD.324D piece of white wax

H.HXD.325 playing [gaming] piece [of unstated material]

H.HXD.326-327 dividers (possibly bronze)

H.HXD.328-329 folding rulers (one possibly bronze)

H.HXD.330 sample of gold braid

H.HXD.331 piece of comb [of unstated material]

H.HXD.332 decorated screwtop case [of unstated material], possibly for navigational instruments

H.HXD.333 decorated jar [of unstated material]

H.HXD.334 small pot [of unstated material]

H.HXD.335 stoneware bottle

H.HXD.336 hazelnut shell

H.HXD.337-378 wood: pieces (including possible button and possible part of a rule)

H.HXD.379-380 wooden handles

H.HXD.381 dividers [of unstated material]

H.HXD.382 slate: pieces

H.HXD.383-400 wood: pieces (including possible button and possible handle)

H.HXD.401 wood: part of a rule

H.HXD.402-406 wood: pieces (including possible handle)

H.HXD.407 wood: piece (possible gun-butt)

H.HXD.408-413 wood: pieces

H.HXD.414 wood: piece (possible barrel-stave)

H.HXD.415-429 wood: pieces (including possible handles)

H.HXD.430 wooden piece, possibly part of a gunstock

H.HXD.431-437 wood: fragments and pieces (including possible handles)

H.HXD.438 handle, possibly of antler

H.HXD.439-504 wood: pieces (including lid, stake, discs, possible button, possible handles and parts of pulleys)

H.HXD.505-511 lead: piece

H.HXD.512 piece of [unspecified] metal.

NMRS, MS/829/52.

People and Organisations
