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Field Visit

Date 14 October 1998

Event ID 635335

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This recumbent stone circle has been reduced to the three stones of its setting, which stand on the leading edge of a low NE-facing scarp near the foot of the E flank of Knock Hill. The recumbent (2), which faces SSW, is a slab measuring 2.5m in length and has a relatively even summit 1.2m high. The flankers stand 1.65m and 1.85m high respectively and are aligned with the leading face of the recumbent. The western (1) is a relatively slender pillar, whereas its neighbour (3) rises from a broader base to a pointed top. The shape of the latter fits quite snugly with the E end of the recumbent, but the narrow gap in the façade at its foot and the rather larger gap between the recumbent and the W flanker are filled with small blocking stones.

Visited by RCAHMS (ATW and KHJM)

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