Field Visit
Date 24 June 1999
Event ID 635191
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
The remains of this recumbent stone circle stand at the S end of a low ridge in an arable field midway between Inschfield and Nether Boddam. Only three stones now remain, comprising the recumbent and one of its flankers on the SW (2–3) and a single fallen orthostat on the NNE (4); lying on opposite sides of the ring, these indicate an overall diameter of about 23.5m. The slab forming the recumbent (2) has fallen onto its back and broken into two pieces, now lying with its even summit to the NE and its curved base to the SW; when whole it measured 4.15m in length by up to 2.4m in breadth. The surviving flanker (3) stands at the E end of the recumbent and rises to a point at a height of 2.85m; a smooth facet at its NE corner may have been used as a whetstone. The fallen orthostat on the NNE side of the ring (4), one of at least four still standing in 1876 (see below), is rather smaller than the flanker and measures 1.95m in length. The interior is still largely under cultivation, its only feature being a shallow hollow extending NE from the recumbent and roughly bounded to either side by plough scars. Pieces of quartz have been gathered up with the field-cleared stones dumped around the recumbent setting and the fallen orthostat.
Visited by RCAHMS (ATW and KHJM) 24 June 1999