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Field Visit

Date 8 December 2009

Event ID 625470

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Two neighbouring townships are located on high, flat ground, with a dyke separating the lands between them. The area to SW comprises site 77, and the area to the NE is Site 77B.

Site 77 comprises six reasonably well preserved building remains. Two of the buildings have attached enclosures. The buildings are of dry stone construction, with walls around 0.7m wide, consisting of two faces containing a rubble fill. The walls of these structures survive to 1.8m in height and are built from gneiss. Remnants of cultivation are visible around both townships.

Site 77B is a neighbouring settlement to the NE, comprising four buildings with associated enclosures of the same build style as HLP 77. A dam and mill at the south end of Loch An T Sabhail was also visited. The mouth of the loch is revetted and narrowed with stone rubble; large stone rubble formed the dam. Around 20m downstream of the dam lie the mill and lade which are both constructed from varied rubble. The mill is a curving broad wall built against the bank of the burn circa 5m by 4m, and 1m in height. The lade is visible running through and exiting the centre of the mill walls, which are 2m wide.

Both sites had sizeable longhouses. Build quality was somewhat better in the longhouse in site 77B, which features dressed quoins. The building is sub-divided internally, and has a single window opening.

Building A has dimensions of 8m x 5m x 0.35m high

Building B has dimensions of 5m x 4m x 1.8m high

Building C has dimensions of 11m x 5m x 1.2m high

Building D has dimensions of 11m x 4m x 1.8m high

Building E is a longhouse with dimensions of 16m x 5m x 2m high. Building is sub divided internally into three compartments c.4m squared with walls up to 1m thick

Building F has dimensions of 7m x 3m x 0.45m high

Building G has dimensions of 6m x 3m x 1.45m high joined to building H by a short wall.

Building H has dimensions of 10m x 5m x 0.35m high

Building I has dimensions of 8m x 4m x 1.2m high

Structure J is an enclosure d-shaped with area 30m squared with ancillary wall to east side. The dimensions are 8m x 5m x 0.35m high.

Building K has dimensions of 6m x 3m 0.45m high

Building L is a longhouse with dimensions of 16m x 5m x 2m high and walls measuring 0.6m wide. The building is divided internally into three compartments with sub-division in NE room. Quoins form corners of building with two possible entrances into main central and NW compartments. There is one window visible in E Wall.

Building M is an enclosure with dimensions of 20m x 16m x 1.5m high with an entrance from SE.

77C: Sheilings

Setting: Terrace overlooking Site 77 to the North.

These lie to SW of Site 77 on an improved area of Heather Moor terrace with good views to North and East. 3 small stone rubble structures are visible. Structure A measures 4m by 3m, Structure B measures 2m by 2m and Structure C measures 5m by 3m.

These are possibly sheilings associated with HLP 77.

(HLP_no 77)

Assynt's Hidden Lives Project 2009

People and Organisations
