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Field Visit

Date 28 November 2009

Event ID 625168

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Situated on flat land, accessed by a track leading down from the main road is the current Assynt Parish Church. The building measures 15m x 6m and is aligned E/W with an attached walled area at the W end measuring c. 5m x 5 m. It is surrounded by stone boundary walls which also encompass the graveyard, c. 32m x 26 m from north to south. Exterior walls are pebble-dashed and whitewashed. The gable ends at E and W are up to 7.5m high, the main entrance is in the south wall. There is a spire at the west end. Four windows are present on the south side, two on the north side. A royal air force commemorative monument is located at the west corner of the enclosing wall.

(HLP_ no 144)

Assynt's Hidden Lives Project 2009

People and Organisations
