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Field Visit
Date 1997
Event ID 621231
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
WWII Anti-aircraft Battery (ND 59 NW 4)
Elements located
The most visible elements of the military remains in this area include:
(i) An OS trig point, labelled #10648, lies to the NW periphery of the site.
(ii) Two concrete gun emplacements, 4.5m in diameter, are located 9m from the coast edge.
(iii) A subterranean magazine or bunker, constructed from mortared rubble with a concrete-covered corrugated iron roof, lies to the rear of the gun emplacements (ii). It measures 6m by 4m and is covered by a mound which measures 12m by 10m. The single doorway faces seaward and is reached via a set of concrete steps. There is a metal flue in the roof and the interior is flooded.
(iv) A set of concrete blocks, set out in the shape of a cross, may be a barrage balloon mooring site.
(v) A single gun emplacement lies to the immediate WSW of (iv). It is located 10m from the coast edge and has a diameter of 3m.
(vi) A length of drystone walling, which turns two acute angles, may have served as a gun position
(vii) The remains of several concrete plinths and the footings for a nissan hut are located to the rear of the battery, alongside piles of concrete and stone rubble.
Moore and Wilson, 1997
Coastal Zone Assessment Survey