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SRP Recording Event

Date 11 October 2008 - 11 October 2008

Event ID 618868

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


A peat road and peat banks (NOSAS site survey numbers 847 and 848) located on the hillside to the NE of Carnoch farmhouse. The course of the peat road is depicted on the on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1971).

Further details of these and other associated sites can be found in the Strathconon Phase 4 Report (page 35) produced by the North of Scotland Archaeology Society and appended to this record.

People and Organisations

Digital Images

1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Ross and Cromarty, 1881, sheet xcvi) extract
1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Ross and Cromarty, 1881, sheet xcvi) extract
