Inner Hebrides Archaeological Project - Tiree Atlantic Roundhouses
Date 2007
Event ID 615651
Category Project
Type Project
Darko Maricevic – University of Reading
The following surveys of Atlantic roundhouses on Tiree were conducted in the summer of 2007 in the course of
now completed PhD research into the later prehistory of Tiree and Coll. A magnetometry survey was conducted with a Bartington Grad601 dual sensor gradiometer in zig-zag mode at 0.5m traverse spacing and 0.25m interval reading. Resistivity surveys were conducted with the Geoscan RM15 resistivity meter with twin probe array, mobile probe span 0.5m, traverse spacing 0.5m, interval reading 0.5m.
Archive: University of Reading
Funder: AHRC; An Iodhlann Archive and Museum, Tiree; SHES,
University of Reading