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SRP Archaeology Notes

Date 28 October 2010

Event ID 614674

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Srp Note


This building may have formed part of the old township of Lovaig (see NG25SW 6, Skye, Claigan). It is situated on a gentle slope at 35m OD, amongst old lazy beds and clearance cairns, with a large rectangular field to its SE. The building is aligned NNE and is roughly boat shaped with the narrow (brow) end to the N and a squared end to S. It measures 6.4m x 2.3m at the widest (central) point, narrowing to 1.9m in the S (internal dimensions). There is an entrance in its N wall and a small outshot, c3.5m square, in the upslope (S) end. The dry-stone rubble walls are 1m thick and stand up to 1m high.

It has been suggesed that this structure was built under an upturned boat held up on posts. The bow would be towards the only exposed direction making it very secure.

Information from Marjorie MacInnes, October 2010.

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