SRP Recording Event
Date September 2008 - July 2010
Event ID 614659
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
What may be a hut circle overlain by a later structure, is situated just above the high water mark at Groban na Sgeirge. The possible hut circle is almost oval in shape and measures approximately 9m x 6m internally. It survives as a slightly raised platform defined by a low turf covered stone wall; some stones may have been robbed to build the nearby Tup Park wall which was built c1830. The ground is wet in the centre and it is 0.3m down to hard surface. The footings of a square stone structure, measuring 5m x 5m, overlies the hut circle on its NE side.
To the SE lying just above the high water mark is a clearance cairn or stone mound measuring approximately 11m x 7m.
Information from Marjorie MacInnes, October 2010