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Archaeological Evaluation

Date May 2006 - June 2006

Event ID 612011

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


Three areas centred around NT 1903 7702; NT 1902 7688 and NT 1903 7679. A programme of archaeological works was undertaken in May-June 2006 on behalf of the Cramond Management Group and the City of Edinburgh Council to inform an appropriate mitigation strategy for the future protection, conservation and interpretation of the known Roman remains and 19th-century kennels. The works consisted of evaluation trenching across the area of Cramond Roman Fort, the Roman bath-house and the 19th-century kennels.

Before the trenching within the Roman fort, a geophysical survey was carried out over the area previously investigated by the Raes in the 1950s, revealing linear features thought to relate to the fort. Trenching within the Roman fort identified remains associated with the latrine, barracks and principia.

Test-pits were opened within the Roman bath-house in order to reveal the surviving structure for a conservation assessment to be carried out. The bath-house proved to be in good condition.

Trenching within the kennels revealed a suite of post-medieval features associated with the industrial use (tanning) of the area, as well as features contemporary with the structure.

A number of small finds consisting of Roman and medieval ceramics and Roman masonry were recovered from the kennels and the fort areas.

Archive to be deposited in NMRS.

Sponsor: City of Edinburgh Council

M Cook 2006

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