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Date 19 August 2005 - 26 August 2005

Event ID 610305

Category Project

Type Project


The wreck was visited by Wessex Archaeology between the 19th and 26th August 2005 under a contract for archaeological services issued by Historic Scotland in relation to the Protection of Wrecks Act (1973). Diving was precluded by strong winds, but several non-diving tasks were completed. Three anchors (HU67SE 40) thought to be related to the wreck were found on the island of Bruray, but their association with the wreck was discounted.

The following position was noted:

Statutory Instrument Position (SI 19): N60 25.12 W0 45.00 [HU 6882 7112] (OSGB-36)

Although the site is accorded a reasonable degree of protection by the islands of Housay, Bruray, Grunay, Old Man Stack and Ubda Stack, it is exposed to wind through the narrow mouth from the S. A thick covering of kelp (Laminaria digitata) was noted across the site.

(Detailed recommendations are made; the history of the ship and the study of the remains are summarised. Illustrations include location plan).


In the short term the exposed features need to be relocated, recorded and georeferenced. This could be done using a surface marker buoy whose position would then be established using either a portable GPS unit on a small boat, or by tracked diver survey. The site has been drawn and has undergone several phases of excavation. These site plans need geo-referencing to bring the archive up to present-day standards. Further investigation of the site is needed to assess any recent changes. The current main requirement for the site is for an assessment of the archive with a view to fully publishing the site.

Information from Niall Callan and Margaret Christie, Wessex Archaeology ltd., April 2006

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