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Civil Engineering heritage: Scotland - Lowlands and Borders
Date 2007
Event ID 606463
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Publication Account
Errochty Dam is a 127 ft high, 1310 ft long diamond-headed buttress dam completed in 1957 which formed a new three mile long reservoir with a top water level 1080 ft above sea level.
A 12-mile long tunnel entering the loch from the north east collects water from the upper reaches of the rivers
Bruar and Garry and some of their tributaries. Another tunnel six miles long and 15 ft in diameter takes water
from Loch Errochty to the Errochty power station whichis discreetly situated in a hillside excavation on the shore near the western end of Loch Tummel.
The power station is built of stone excavated from the main tunnel and has three 25 000kW vertical Francis
turbines operating on a head of 610 ft.
R Paxton and J Shipway
Reproduced from 'Civil Engineering heritage: Scotland - Lowlands and Borders' with kind permission of Thomas Telford Publishers.